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Kianga Isoke Palacio: The woman who helped preserve the essence of Hydeia

Sorry this is a long post and I’m thinking I should have saved it to include in my book but I’ll share with you today.

I believe we have different acts to our lives, the first act was my childhood were the biggest battle I had to fight was really not my own. The fight against AIDS; I owe the fact I made it, than simply because God was not done with me.
Through the years things happened which crushed my soul and dimmed my light, I was truly a battered and lost soul walking the earth. Now through my childhood, teen years and until I was about 26, I had people come into my life who sought only to take. I was unable to detect between the good people and the bad people, they were takers. Not many of the takers had my best interest at heart and when you deduct more than you put in; it has a negative impact on one’s life.

Kianga Isoke Palacio, the name might not mean much to you but for me this name and person was truly one of my saving graces.  I met Kianga when she contacted me to speak for her young woman’s Rights of Passage program S.I.S.T.A (Sisters in Society Taking Action). I guess early on she sensed a broken and lost young woman, because after speaking at her event Kianaga became a permanent figure in my life and I in hers. Now this woman wasn’t like any other woman I’ve never met, first she always smiling and laughing, the clothes she wore and being embedded in the African culture was new to me. Kianga was happy and for me that was something foreign. She spoke to me with understanding and without judgment. Kianga challenged and inspired me to become a better person, one who's energy was that of love and joy. Kianga challenged me to be a woman of substance, she was a tool God used to bring me back.
Kianga was caring and had the biggest heart, she would give her last or simply take you out to eat to just release and vent. Kianga not only made me apart of her life but she also allowed me to know those closest to her, family and friends. People who also played a part in my life, people who to this day they are people I speak to and seek out for guidance and love. Sadly we lost Kianga to breast cancer and for so many we’ll never be the same but we’re not supposed to be.

On October 30th 2014 I had the honor of attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Kianga Isoke Palacio Park.  Because of all the work Kianga did within the community in Las Vegas, a park was renamed in her honor. Now Kianga wasn’t rich or famous but as her husband stated “She was an Ordinary Women who did Extraordinary things!” Extraordinary but at the time to the untrained eye, seemed like the things she was doing was just ordinary. Now what was different was the things she did were encompassed in love and patience. Kianga did what so many of us won’t do today; she give her time and attention to those who need guidance’s and love.

I believe if we've grown and learned from our hurt and pain we are supposed to help guide others to healing, we are to mentor our young people. No those who knew Kianga will never be the same after her death but we’re not supposed to, we’re supposed to become better and challenge ourselves to try and give back a little of what she gave us.